Roots Roundtable Season 2022-2023

Roots Roundtable is a monthly gathering of herbalists who are currently enrolled in or have graduated from our Roots of Herbalism courses (whether live in-person or home study). We are setting the table and inviting you all to join us for the upcoming season between October 2022 and April of 2023. And new for this year, we are opening registration as a “Name Your Own Price” option (see more below).

We’ll host guest speakers, live Q&A sessions, and spend time connecting, collaborating, and building the Florida School of Holistic Living collective!

Dates: Every 2nd Wednesday from October 12, 2022 through April 12, 2023
October 12, 2022
November 8, 2022
December 14, 2022
January 11, 2023
February 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
April 12, 2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Online via Zoom

Scroll down for more info!



Suggested price: $35.00

Roots Roundtable membership is reserved for current Roots of Herbalism students and graduates of the class. Please only register if you meet the pre-requisites of the program.

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New for 2022! In order to make sure that everyone has access to Roots Roundtable, we’ve made it available to everyone regardless of ability to pay. If you are able to pay something for the class, please do. Your donation goes toward making our school available and affordable for everyone. If you are unable to contribute, just enter ‘0’ under ‘Name your own price’. It is that simple.

What is it?
An opportunity to continue your education through collaboration, discussion, and connection with fellow herbalists.

What’s included?
Each month we’ll begin our meeting with a featured guest speaker to discuss our chosen herb to highlight. After discussion, and instruction on preparation and its related uses, we’ll open a Q&A session to allow you to bring your questions, concerns, and joys to the table.

Why join us?
It’s a chance to stay connected with former classmates, meet new herbal friends, and continue to support and be supported by our herbal community.

Plus, in addition to the monthly meetings, Roots Roundtable subscribers will have access to our full library of Materia Medica videos, PDFs, and e-books exclusively curated to help you build your relationships.

headshot of maggie ohalloran against blurred green foliage backgroundMeet Your Host Maggie O’Halloran

Maggie is the Executive Director for the Florida School of Holistic Living, an herbalist and educator in Central Florida. She comes from a large family where chaos was the norm. She always found peace outside watching things grow or climbing magnolia trees. She learned in her mother’s kitchen that the things you put in your mouth impact your mind and your body. Read More About Maggie…


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!


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