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Discover Your Relationship With Herbs

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Roots of Herbalism 2-Day, In-Person Intensives 9

Over the course of one weekend, we spend time delving into the characteristics of 20+ foundational herbs, tasting each one along the way. We discuss the philosophies of being ecological in herbalism, practicing herbal nutrition, and the foundations of holistic health. And, this is a hands-on weekend, students participate in preparing their own herbal tisanes, tinctures, and teas. Come prepared to learn a lot, take notes, go home with a new perspective and experience, and begin your herbal journey with a solid foundation.

Upcoming Roots of Herbalism In-Person 2-Day Intensive Classes

Meet the teachers

The Roots of Herbalism Home Intensive Weekend is brought to you by some of the brightest and best in the herbalism community.

headshot of maggie ohalloran against blurred green foliage background

Maggie O’Halloran

Executive Director and Core Instructor

Maggie has over two decades of pursuing plant knowledge and five as a community herbalist and teacher with the Florida School of Holistic Living. Her specialty is helping people find peace through holistic living. She finds her inspiration from teachers like Rosemary Gladstar, Emily Ruff, and her eleven-year-old herbalist-in-training son.

debbie krause standing in front of white background and behind black desk chair wearing a tan hat

Debbie Krause

Student Liaison and Core Instructor

Debbie is a Central Florida herbalist with a passion for plants, healing and medicine-making. She graduated with a degree in Environmental Studies from Rollins College’s Hamilton Holt School in 1994 and has had a passion for nature and a connection to nature ever since.

headshot of christina lynch taken at a downward angle with her wearing a yellow dress, and surrounded by green grassy background

Christina Lynch

Core Instructor

Christina is a growing community herbalist, owner of Ginger Tea Co. as well as Trydent Consulting. She joins the teaching staff for Roots of Herbalism Intensive Weekends taught in Tallahassee, FL.

Or try our completely Hands-On, Self-Paced, Home Study Option

The Roots of Herbalism Home Study,
mailed right to your door, click here now.

Kind Words From Our Graduates

The Florida School of Holistic Living is a great place to study herbs, the natural world, and our personal places in that world. The herbalists who guided me through the Roots of Herbalism Family Herbalism, and Community Herbalism programs are all full of amazing energy helped not only teach me about more helpful herbal allies than I ever thought I could learn about, but also became an extension of my herbal family.

Leann Hill

Herbalist Graduate

Plants have grabbed me with all their might. I started Roots at the Florida School of Holistic Living as an online course. The Content and overview propelled me to attend Family as the intensive followed by Community. The school, teachers, and the students carried me on their wings from a newcomer to herbal medicine to showing me all the opportunities work with healing herbs can bring to one’s life. The core herbalism program provided me with the foundation to pursue further study as a clinical herbal practitioner.

Robyn McKenzie

Herbalist Graduate

The Florida School of Holistic Living truly embodies everything that an herbalism school should represent the curriculum is in-depth and thorough and is presented with a perfect balance of science, academia, folk wisdom, and spiritual depth. After I finished the community herbalism course, I have gained not only the hands-on experience and knowledge needed to begin my lifelong journey as an herbalist but a few lifelong friends and a sense of community and belonging as well.

Rachel Amos Alonzo

Herbalist Graduate

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