

Latin name: Tanacetum parthenium
Family: Asteraceae
Common names:  feverfew
Feverfew has a long history in traditional and folk medicine especially used by the Greeks and Europeans. Nicolas Culpepper is the most famous of herbalist that worked with and documented Feverfew. He says that “Venus commands this herb, and has commended it to succour her sisters (women), to be a general strengthener of their wombs…” Feverfew has a long history of supporting women and their reproductive systems. For an advanced and thorough review, head on over to the US National Library of Medicine to read a systematic review. If you’re like me and are curious of magickal ways to practice with feverfew, check out this feverfew potion from Llewellyn Worldwide.

Appearance:  a composite plant growing with daisy-like  flowers. The stem is finely furrowed and hairy, about 2 feet high; the leaves alternate, downy with short hairs.

Plant Use:  The feverfew herb has been used as an herbal remedy since Dioscorides in78 A.D. Feverfew was used to treat headaches, menstrual irregularities, stomachaches and all types of fevers.

Preparations: Infusion, tincture, decoction, topically

Gardening Tips: Feverfew is a perennial, and herbaceous in habit.  It  does not need too much attention. Feverfew does great in well-drained, with waterings every few days. Dappled shade is best in Florida. This plant does like to sprawl.


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