• Solstice 1

    5 Tips for New Year’s Planning

    As we enter the new year, we have fresh blank pages in our calendar staring back at us, beckoning us to create the experiences and events we want to bring to life as we write down dates in our planner. But after the hustle of the hectic holiday season, we can feel a little fatigued and off center as the pressure of “New Year’s Resolutions” looms over us. Here are five tips to help us feel centered and calm as we enter a new page on the calendar and new opportunities to create the life we desire.

  • Solstice

    5 Ways to Honor Winter Solstice

    December 21st is Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, or the longest night of the year. It is a great opportunity to connect with the earth and the change of seasons through some simple practices.

  • Sida 1


    Plants in the genus Sida are pantropical and have a history of medicinal use everywhere that they grow, including within the Ayurvedic (called kurumthotti) and Traditional Chinese.

  • Shiitake


    Shiitake takes its name from the Japanese word “shii” for the tree it was typically found growing on, and “take” which means mushroom. Shiitake has been used for over 6,000 years in ancient Chinese Medicine (Shiitake Mushroom, n.d.) and likely began being cultivated over 1400 years ago in 600 AD.

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    In Memoriam: Steven Foster (1957-2022)

    Steven Foster is a teacher to many students at the Florida School of Holistic Living, whether or not they’ve ever taken a class with him. Through his 19 books, most notably the Petersen’s Field Guide to Eastern and Central Medicinal Plants, Steven has captured a legacy of plant wisdom for future generations. Steven traveled to Florida to keynote our 2015 Florida Herbal Conference, where many Florida herbalists got to understand the depth and dynamism of this humble herbal legend.

  • 2021 Reflections from Maggie & Emily

    As we approach the final days of 2021, I encourage us all to allow a deep exhale as we reflect on the last twelve months, preferably with a warm cup of herbal tea in hand. One of my dear friends and FSHL graduate, Lisa Ray, used to tell me that in hard times, “it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon” – as a reminder to slow down and pace myself for the long haul. If 2020 taught us anything, it was recognizing that the uncertainty of our times will persist, possibly far longer than we can imagine, and that the only way we can cultivate resilience to get through it…

  • Copy of 10th Annual FHC1

    Join us for the 10th Annual Florida Herbal Conference!

    No matter the challenges we’ve faced this year, now it’s time to celebrate. Mark your calendars for the 2021 Florida Herbal Conference, February 25-27. It’s the tenth anniversary of the Sunshine State’s herbal gathering – and we want to celebrate the plants and this special community with YOU!

  • Hibiscus


    The calyces of hibiscus are rich in Vitamin C, and have a history of medicinal use to reduce blood pressure, alleviate symptoms of heat exhaustion, and support the immune system. Plus, the tart and tangy flavor makes a great addition to other herbal infusions to make them more palatable.

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