• Mullein


    Latin Name:  Verbascum thapsus Family:  Scrophulariaceae   I still laugh out loud thinking about the Leaves and Roots customer back in the 90s who legally changed her name to “Verbascum” after a long love affair with the plant ally Mullein. We all lovingly called her Verbie for short, and really, who could blame her? This roadside “weed” is abundant in temperate climates and brings such profound medicine with a gentle strength, no wonder she adopted its moniker as her own in homage. . Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a prolific plant of European origin that grows abundantly in disturbed soils, roadsides, and meadows throughout most of the temperate United States. This biennial plant is…

  • [ Recipe! ] Mint Chocolate Lip Balm

    Salves, ointments, and balms, all these different options can leave one feeling confused when it comes time to pick a topical remedy to treat a skin disorder.  Which one is the right choice for you? Relax, there is no reason to feel confused any longer, the truth is they are all the same thing.  Salves, or ointments as some prefer to call them, are topical remedies used to treat all manner of skin disorders from chapped lips, bug bites and cuts and scrapes to more serious issues like hives, rashes and eczema.  And, because the skin is porous, salves can also be applied topically to treat internal issue like sore…

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