Water Prayers

Herbalist Emily Ruff brings her reflections on the healing powers of water, and the power of focusing our collective energy on gratitude and healing the Earth’s waters, in this video from a spring atop Sage Mountain in Vermont.

Looking for more information on Water Justice after watching this video?  Visit www.FoodandWaterWatch.org, or see our review of the movie FLOW.

One of our favorite groups, Rising Appalachia, recently shared a new song in collaboration with The Dogon Lights that celebrates the beauty, mystery, and healing power of water.

“Water she gathers on solid ground
Water a memory yet to be found
Water she wanders through my bones
Water she dances, dances alone
Water, Water
Flowing rivers what I call for
Must deliver til we’re on shore
day is dust we will thirst no more
Moving water fill my bowl full
Water she wanders through by bones”

Check out their new song here: Water She Dances

How do YOU honor water in your life? Share with us your ideas in the comments below.

One Comment

  • Avatar of Tammy


    Thank You Emily! You really tied together the water issues on a global scale.

    Is very sad what is donwe in the name of profit. Coming soon to a place near you.

    I really need to thank my water more. Sometimes I do thank my water and talk to it about releasing the things that have been added to it. I try to charge my water when doing something special. Think Dr. Emotos work…I never use a hose to water my plants so I can let the chlorine evaporate some before use. Is that even true?

    It is sad to not eat seafood anymore as you are not sure where it lived, especially in a place where seafood in abundant. For now anyway.

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