• Peach


    Peach is an old European folk remedy that was adopted by the Indigenous people as a food and medicine when European settlers brought it to the New World.

  • Peppermint 1


    Native to southern Europe, it is a perennial herb that has been naturalized worldwide. Peppermint grows wild in moist soils in the warm regions of Europe, Asia, and America. 

  • Christina Lynch

    Community Graduate – Christina Lynch

    My journey with FSHL began in 2016, when I began attending classes with the North Florida branch with Phoenix. The calmness and content that I felt instantly told me that I was where I needed to be. Over the past four years, I continued to grow my knowledge and seek my own healing within herbalism. At the beginning of the pandemic, when everything ceased for what now seems like a brief moment, I was able to see my growth and realign my focus to continue on my journey of healing and happiness. This led to two events: the beginning of The Ginger Tea Company and the formal premier of Herbalists…

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