• Gotu Kola 1

    Gotu Kola

    Common Names Indian pennywort, marsh pennywort, Asiatic pennywort, antanan in Pakistan. In Malay cuisine it is known as pegaga, brahmi booti in Hindi, brahmi in Marathi, saraswati aku in Telugu,  kudangal in Malayalam, ondelaga in Kannada, Vallarai keerai in Tamil, brahmi (Sanskrit in Ayurveda-not to be confused with Bacopa monnieri), Pohe kula (Hawaii), man t’ien hsing (Chinese), ji xue sao (TCM) pegagam (Indonesian), hang kor chew (Chinese) or nuoc rau ma (Vietnamese) Latin NameCentella asiatica FamilyApiaceae (The Carrot and parsley family)

  • Drymary


    Common Names: Tropical chickweed, Drymary, whitesnow, West Indian Chickweed, heartleaf drymary, “Calabar woman’s eye” Latin name: Drymaria cordata Family: Caryophyllaceae

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