• Moringa


    Common Names Wonder Tree, The Divine Tree, The Miracle Tree, Drumstick tree, West Indian Ben, Bridal Veil, Muringa/Muringai (Tamil), Jacinto (Spanish), Sahijan, Munaga (Hindi), Shigru, Shobhanjana (Ayurvedic). Benzolive Tree, or Ben Oil Tree

  • Beautyberry


    Common Names Beautyberry, American Beautyberry, French Mulberry, Perfumed cherry, ZiZhu

  • Papaya


    Plant of Month profile contributed by Jessica Grandey Common Names English Papaya, Pawpaw, Papaw, Melon Tree, Mummy Apple, Papaya, Kates

  • Cuban Oregano

    Cuban Oregano

    Common Names French Oregano (in Cuba) Puerto Rican Oregano, Indian Borage, Spanish Thyme, Mexican mint, Broadleaf Thyme, Menthol Plant, Vicks Plant, Spanish sage, Hung chanh (Vietnamese), Bruja Oregano (Puerto Rico), Patta Ajwayin (Hindi)

  • Pineapple


    Common NamesPineapple, Pine Apple, Piña(Spanish,) Ananas(Dutch, French, Hindi) Abacaxi (Portuguese,) Nanas (Southern Asia and East Indies,Tupi) Bahunetra (Sanskrit)

  • Lippia


    Common NamesBushy Lippia, Bushy Matgrass, Licorice Verbena, Lippia, Marguerite; Marguerite Blanche; Marguerite Des Jardins; Melisse. Hindi: Basula; Chinese: 白棘枝, Kwéyòl: twa tas, Portuguese: erva-cidreira-brasileiraSpanish: Juanilama, Salvia morada, Salvia sija, Sanalotodo“The local and traditional names are numerous in Latin America, because of widespreadtraditional use, and are generally derived from its aromatic smell or medicinal properties. The most common name in Brazil is cidreira, but this can also be used for 17 other lemon-scented herbs with similar uses” (Matos et al., 1996).

  • Magnolia


    Common NamesMagnolia, Hou Po (China), Honoki (Japan) Indian Bark. Japanese white bark, The flower is Xin Yi Hua in TCM, Blue Magnolia, Swamp Sassafras, Cucumber Tree, Lily tree Latin NameMagnolia grandiflora, Magnolia virginiana, Magnolia officinalis and many more FamilyMagnoliaceae HabitatNative to North and South America, the Himalaya’s and East Asia. In China’s mountains and valleys it grows wild in mountainous regions. There are several species native to Florida. Now used in many parts of the world as a garden tree or for landscaping. Magnolias are spreading, evergreen, or deciduous trees or shrubs. They have large fragrant flowers that can be bowl-shaped or star-shaped. Cutting propagation is preferred for most magnolias.…

  • Peach


    Common Names  Peach, Peach tree, Persian apple, Momo, Táo Ren. Latin Name: Prunus persica Family: Rosaceae HistoryPeach is an old European folk remedy that was adopted by the Indigenous people as a food and medicine when European settlers brought it to the New World. Peach trees were first cultivated in China but the Persians created a variety that was prized by the Chinese. Peaches have been mentioned in literature as far back as 49AD and there have been findings in ancient Chinese manuscripts going back to 1100BC.

  • Mulberry


    Common Names MulberryChinese name: Sang Shen (Berry/Fruit), Sang Ye (Leaves), Sang Bai Pi (Bark)Persian name: TootAyurveda: ShahtootFolk names: Tut, Morera, GelsoThe sap is known as “blood of a goose” in Magical formulas. Latin NameMorus alba (white mulberry) and Morus nigra (black mulberry)There are upwards of 50 genera and about 900 species.  FamilyMoraceae

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