• Turmeric


    Indigenous to India, turmeric is now cultivated in tropical regions throughout the world. Turmeric is an important herb in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  • Moringa


    For thousands of years, moringa leaf has been a source of nutrition. It has been known as the most useful and nutrient-rich plant yet discovered.

  • Beautyberry


    American Beautyberry is a native deciduous shrub of the Southern United States which is often grown as an ornamental.

  • Papaya


    The papaya was brought to Brazil where the Portuguese saw a resemblance in the shape of the fruit to a woman’s breast so they called it mamão. 

  • Cuban Oregano

    Cuban Oregano

    Cuban Oregano is used for respiratory issues like bronchitis, allergies, asthma, colds, and coughs.

  • Pineapple


    Pineapples are symbols of hospitality and warmth. They express the sentiment of “welcome.” This use of pineapple to make a guest feel well-received is from the rarity of pineapples in America in the 18th century.

  • Lippia


    Lippia is used as a prominent remedy. Leaves are used as an infusion against states of excitement, hypertension, digestive troubles, nausea and cold, to heal wounds locally and as syrup against cough and bronchitis.

  • Magnolia


    Magnolia is a symbol of perseverance, endurance and long life because of the tough thick flowers and the long life of the trees which can survive over a hundred years.

  • Peach


    Peach is an old European folk remedy that was adopted by the Indigenous people as a food and medicine when European settlers brought it to the New World.

  • Mulberry


    Native to China and is grown all around the world.  It is a perennial bush or tree herb with heart-shaped leaves that can be found in urban areas as an ornamental and can be found across the world wherever there are silkworms.  

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