• Hibiscus


    The calyces of hibiscus are rich in Vitamin C, and have a history of medicinal use to reduce blood pressure, alleviate symptoms of heat exhaustion, and support the immune system. Plus, the tart and tangy flavor makes a great addition to other herbal infusions to make them more palatable.

  • Christina Lynch

    Community Graduate – Christina Lynch

    My journey with FSHL began in 2016, when I began attending classes with the North Florida branch with Phoenix. The calmness and content that I felt instantly told me that I was where I needed to be. Over the past four years, I continued to grow my knowledge and seek my own healing within herbalism. At the beginning of the pandemic, when everything ceased for what now seems like a brief moment, I was able to see my growth and realign my focus to continue on my journey of healing and happiness. This led to two events: the beginning of The Ginger Tea Company and the formal premier of Herbalists…

  • Vitex

    Vitex carries a common name of "monk's pepper" for its long history of use in monasteries and convents.

  • Goldenrod


    Goldenrod has been and continues to be used by the First Peoples of North America for generations. Much of what we know about the medicinal actions of this plant come from their generous teachings.

  • Cayenne


    Capsicum peppers are from the western hemisphere where they have been used for thousands of years. The word Capsicum derives from the Greek word kapto meaning “to bite.”

  • Porterweed


    The small blue to purple flowers are edible, make a beautiful addition to your salads and they taste like mushrooms! The name “porterweed” comes from the dark, foamy infusion of the leaves that can then be made into a beer (porter).

  • Pine 2


     The pine tree has long been utilized for its lumber, resins and medicines. The leaves of the pine tree, or needles, can be utilized for their medicinal properties, as well as the resin of the tree. The energetics of pine are warming and drying.

  • Fennel 1


    A delicious addition to an otherwise unflavorful herbal formula, fennel shines as a tea and culinary spice. This sweet anise like seed can also be prepared as a tincture in your preferred menstruum, just be sure to lightly crush the seeds first. 

  • In Memoriam: Dr. James Duke (1929-2017)

    written by Emily Ruff Dr. James A. Duke, a devoted ethnobotanist and champion of the green world, passed away December 10 2017 at the age of 88. He is survived by his wife Peggy, a botanical illustrator with whom he collaborated on many of his books. He is also survived by his two children, many grandchildren, and a countless assortment of herbalists who count Jim among their elders. The list of accolades one could recount about Jim’s life is without end, and many articles have paid tribute to his vast contribution to the botanical academy during his life. He was a prolific author, well known for his 1997 bestseller, The Green…

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